Monday, February 11, 2008



It all started on a bright early Sunday afternoon while I was walking to church to praise the lord because my mom raised me up to become Christian. My dad left me awhile ago so I never really got to know him but that’s ok because the lord said to me one night when I was lonely that he is my father. Before my name is John Adams I am five foot seven inches African American with a fro standing tall walking strong but I’m feeling my way down the street only when I don’t know where I am. Yes I am blind it all stated the same way today and will haunt me for the rest of my life. I had saw a movie one day at my school I knew I should have just not pay attention to it just like all my other friends it was called Pay It Forward. The movie is about when a kid helps out three people and those three people help three more people. I know it sounds confusing it was for most but I try to be an over achiever. So any ways I was walking down the street I saw a girl I have I known some of my life.
I start to yell get down in cover but she didn’t hear me so I ran fast as I could I kept calling out to her I get up to her and jump in front of her hoping with all my life that that the heat seeking piece of lead, that sounded like clacking of the guns like fire crackers on the ground hits me not her. It does in my brain everything goes black for a split second I feel happy, as I hear the as the five hundred horses of rubber burns on the asphalt smoke every where like the like the wild fires I’m happy.

The Ambulance came took me the sirens blowing hard trying to get everybody out the way because in a mater of hours or minutes I could be dead. To days later I wake up to nothing but pick black, I started to freak out I ways just hoping that it would all be just a dream because I knew my sight was one of the most important things in my life. I fall a sleep but to be woken momentarily to be told that I will never see again but they said the good news is you will be able with the rest of the four senses you have they will increase a lot as long as you don’t do anything to mess them up. Then I ask the doctor what happen to the girl. The doctor to along pause then said she is dead one of the bullets hit one of her major arties in her leg when she was trying to run away.

One thing I lied about was that I did know that girl I saw her every day and I kind of had a little crush on her. She had silky dark brown hair, shiny white teeth, nice personality and a body of a Queen. You may ask why I know all this and the answer is we have all the same classes and everyday get in class early so that next to her. Four rows down two over the one on the right.

Now since I am older and all my sense are now very keen I could hear a humming bird hum or the sound of a hybrid car a mile away. I sort of like having these senses like this but I would give it all up to see again.

As I am walking down the street a guy that I had notice following me for quit a awhile I turn around and confront him and tell him where ever you are live me alone after. Right after I said that he pounces on me trying to choke me and get my wallet. I don’t know why I didn’t see that coming he nocks me out cold for about two minutes just enough time to take my money. When I thought about it sounded exactly like the guy who shot the girl I like. Know it will be going down till I find him and melt his heart with lead.
Weeks have gone by I have work on my shooting and know I am ready to fight and just when I got into this mind set to find this man and do what ever it takes to kill. I found out my foster brother and sister and be shot and killed by the same guy it was on. I felt like he knew me like he was supposed to do it. And I start to think back in time when I knew all my family and all I could recall was my uncle that hated me since birth that was in a gang. But I wouldn’t think it was him because he hated my father so he never got to know me. Next thing I know I hear my mom had been killed while at work and they think the shooter could be my uncle.
This all I need to hear I start my search on killing my uncle and stop the killing in my family, and I should be next on his list. Suddenly while I was walking down the street patrolling the streets of Compton with my cane and a forty-five revolver in the back of my pants. And then I hear him following me and now I know the way my killer walks and breaths and the way he smells. So I am satisfied with my self so I go to bead knowing that this time I will win. But again I spoke to soon I hear him coming up the stairs so I hide behind my door Pulled my gun out. It was all chromed out fully loaded and weighed about ten pounds.
He busts my door down in a flash I was a little startled but I gain my focus back and as I get ready to aim I feel a gun placed right on my temple. As I here he pulls the trigger being pulled back and the bullets ready to pierce my skin and go to war in my head. A hole bunch of thoughts started running through my then I turn and as I do that a would crack goes off and two loud thumps hit the ground like dynamite at war. And the dead was now done.